Chapter 27 The Diary of Mr. Trenton MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

The Diary of Mr. Trenton

Chapter 27

Another Christmas had passed.  Downtown now looked like a big city with widescreens all over the place.  Everywhere you turned there was the President on television, if not, he was painted on side of an office or apartment building looking like a dictator from some third world country.    Brenton pointed to the painting and all the new widescreens and asked his mother what was happening? 

“They do that in communism,” said Brenton’s Mother thats Big Brother.  The Communists and the socialists are used to not having real leaders.”  

When Brenton and his mother got home they fixed lunch together and Brenton made two more Sandwiches. 

“I am taking them to Mr & Mrs  Obrien” said Brenton to his mom and he left.

Brenton walked next door to Mr. Obrien’s house who opened the door.

“I made this sandwich for you, one for you and Mrs Obrien.” said Brenton.  

Mr Obrien thanked Brenton, took the Sandwiches and invited him in.   Brenton sat down and discussed the new look of downtown. 

“The president is gone” said Mr Obrien “He is a hoax, a puppet.”

“I thought he was judged by God,”  said Brenton

“A long time ago,” responded Mr Obrien. ” The President was judged when he was still a Vice President. All those televisions downtown  is a strategy by men and women working in conspiracy.  His entire election was false, unconstitutional a crime of serious proportions and so we don’t have to do everything the television says.”

“I know you once explained to me what a conspiracy was, but you will have to remind me,”  asked Brenton. 

” A conspiracy is an action plan created by a group of people working in collusion to attain their goals.  It is a mindless and ruthless organism which does not know when to stop. The Bible calls it a Hydra, Leviathan, a monster which has many appendages which look like snakes.  Throughout history snake worshipping cultures have been judged by God for their conspiracies where children women and men are caused to disappear.” 

“Is that why God judged the President?” asked Brenton

“Yes,” said Mr Obrien. “And the Vice President and many others.”

“Why don’t you show Brenton your new game.” said Mrs. Obrien

“You have a new game?” asked Brenton.  

“It is not really a game.  It is a Jigsaw Puzzle called Leviathan,”  answered Mr.  Obrien 

“It is a game,” affirmed Mrs. Obrien, “It is in the other room.  I’ll go get it.”  

“I made the game for my wife,” said Mr. Obrien “She was beginning to doubt that God was judging the world.”

Mrs Obrien returned with the jigsaw puzzle and the three put it together really quick.  

“Yep that looks like a monster alright,” commented Brent when they were finished.  

“Now close your eyes Brenton,” said Mrs Obrien.

Brenton closed his eyes and Mrs Obrien took the puzzle apart and removed one piece. 

“Now open your eyes,” said Mrs Obrien 

“You took it apart,” noticed Brenton 

“Let’s put it back together again,” said Mr.  Obrien.  

“And the three put it back together real quick only now it was missing a big piece.” 

“It is missing a piece,” said Brenton.  

Mrs Brenton brought in scissors, coloring pencils and a piece of paper.

” You have to make a new piece to fill the slot,” said Mr. Obrien.

Brenton went to work and made new piece and put it in its place.  The three continued to pull apart  the puzzle and put back together. Each time around more pieces went missing and new pieces had to be made.

After about a couple of hours Brenton looked at the puzzle with all the missing pieces and the cut outs they made to replace them.  

“It does not look the same as when we started,”  said Brenton.    

“It is still a monster,” said Mr Obrien 

“I don’t get it,” said Brent. 

The Judgment of God is like a puzzle that you have to figure out.  A conspiracy is like a puzzle.  In the Judgment of God when a piece of the conspiracy is judged by God and brought to justice, something has to take its place.  But despite the conspiracy filling in the slots,  you see that the puzzle  is not the same at the end and it becomes very weak. 

Brenton absorbed the lesson and went home to explain it to his Mother. 


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith.

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services.

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum

Chapter 26 The Diary of Mr. Trenton MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei


MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

The Diary of Mr. Trenton

Chapter 26

It was a lazy Christmas afternoon.   Brenton arrived home after a day spent studying an article titled   “a response and follow up to life’s work of Adolph Hitler.”  Brenton had previously given up his English Socialist portraits of Adolph Hitler thinking he would never see or hear about him again.  

“How did it go at school today Brenton?” asked Brenton’s Mother. 

“I have an assignment on the Internet  to read.”  answered Brenton.

“What did your teacher give you?”

“I have to read and respond to Bernard Crick” said Brenton show his mother the assignment.

His mother looks at the Assignment at and a PDF Bernard Crick

“Never heard of him,” responded his Mother  “Is the website interpretable in every language in the world? 

“No,” answered Brenton 

“Then it must not be that important,” replied Brenton’s Mother handing Brenton his paperwork. 

“The teacher thinks it is.  Our teacher says that Adolf Hitler and white supremacy aggression, both left wing and right wing are the most dangerous things in the world.  Why don’t they give us their more militant stuff so we can protect ourselves?  

“Because we defeated Hitler and white supremacy in World War II. ” answered the Mother showing Brent an old World War II era film of the first supercomputer. 

“The teacher does not think so,” responded Brenton 

“Let us look up the website and Bernard Crick and read this together. “

Brenton’s mother removes her apron,  goes into the kitchen and retrieves some milk and gingerbread man cookies. Her and Brenton sit down together in front of  Brenton’s computer and she begins to read.

Bernard Crick 

In 1946 in an essay ‘Why I write’ Orwell wrote, ‘What I have most wanted to do throughout the past ten years is to make political writing into an art.’

And he (Orwell) might well have added, into a popular art, for I believe that he(Orwell) developed his famous clear, plain, simple, colloquial and forceful style precisely in order to reach what he was more apt to call ‘the common man’ than the working class. His (Orwell’s) debt to Swift has often been noted, especially for the strategies of his two major satires,  but his deliberate choice of rhetoric, his adopted style and conscious persona as a writer may owe more to Daniel Defoe; and he wrote for much the same kind of audience.

The mother turns to her Brenton.

“Starts nice,” said the mother who continued reading out loud. 

“Orwell’s pre-war novels had all been written to catch the attention of the public for whom Charles Dickens and H. G. Wells had written, a public composed of both working class and lower middle class who used and depended upon the free public library and had, like Orwell himself, missed the overrated advantages of full- time higher education. From his own experience he deeply believed in the potential moral superiority of the self-taught over the institutionally educated (there is at least this parallelism between Orwell and Rousseau!). But as his sales showed, he singularly failed to reach this audience until he became literary editor of and a columnist in the left-wing Tribune, which enjoyed a large readership in war-time conditions, and until he wrote Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four.  Yet, their very success played a trick with his reputation.  

“…Wait,” Brenton’s mother turns to her son

“Do you trust me?”  she asked 

“Yes,”  answered Brenton 

“You are not going to get your education from those self taught anarchists, those people who want to destroy the nation with their immorral talk of freedoms, rights and liberties.”

“We get that gender queer stuff from both sides.  They just handed out the new gender queer glossaries on campus. They are also all over the  internet.   Anything else? ” asked  Brenton  

“Yes, communism and Socialism are not based on the literary successes of George Orwell,  which are questionable.” 

“You mean Orwell was not successful?” asked Brenton.  

“No,” said his mother showing Brenton 1984 at Youtube  “These kinds of things which dictatorships make important never are.” 

“I don’t understand,” responded Brenton  and his mom continued 

“In many countries those who control propaganda and historical information can make it appear that something is successful or the craze when in fact behind it looms strategies of white supremacy.”

“That is what our teacher Mr. Williams said” replied Brenton   

Brenton’s Mom paused for a moment and looked at Brenton. 

“Where did we leave off?  Let us start again from his own experience. “

From his own experience he (George Orwell) deeply believed in the potential moral superiority of the self-taught over the institutionally educated (there is at least this parallelism between Orwell and Rousseau!).

“…Wait,” Brenton’s mother turns to her son.  She looks at him straight in the eyes and spoke. “Socialism, Communism or English Socialism  are not morally superior.  But listen to me,  There are many good people inside communist and socialist countries.   What did your teacher Mr. Fein teach you about Tyrants?”

“He said military and  government control is what makes tyrants powerful.” 

“And,” added the mother “they do not attain power or retain that type of control through children stories or romantic literature.  Rousseau’s writings also are hardly worth turning our lives into White supremacy either.”

Brenton’s mother continued reading. 

But as his sales showed, he. (Orwell)  singularly failed to reach this audience until he became literary editor of and a columnist in the left-wing….

“What does that tell you?” asked the mother turning Brenton. 

“That tyrants will decide when your work as a writer will be successful or not.” 

The mother continued reading.

……the Left Wing Tribune, which enjoyed a large readership in war-time conditions, and until he wrote Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four.  Yet, their very success played a trick with his reputation.   Many on the Left held that it is never timely to tell salutary home truths about the home team. Many on the Right accepted his fierce libertarianism but either ignored his egalitarianism or dismissed it as silly and superficial.

“…Wait,” said Brenton’s mother and she turned to her son.

“I know what your going to say.” said Brenton 

“Then tell me.”  asked the mother

“George Orwells work is not interpreted for equality, but the opposite.” 

“What else?” asked the mother

“That people who live in communism, socialist and English socialist countries are for the most part decent people, but the philosophies which control them are brutal, aggressive, white supremacists and responsible for the wrongful deaths of millions of children, women and men.” 

“Good Brenton,”responded the Mother,  “And do not forget the democracy has been corrupted. Those computerized virtual politicians they show us on television don’t seem to understand the world is being judged by God.”

“Mr, Obrien knows,”responded Brenton

“Yes,” said the Mother “I like that he teaches you.  O.k. I have read enough.  I want to read your homework when you are finished responding to it 


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith.

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services.

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum

Chapter 25 The Diary of Mr. Trenton MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

The Diary of Mr. Trenton

Chapter 25

It was Saturday morning.  Brenton had been given some brownies by his mother to give to Mr. Obrien & Mrs Obrien.  Brenton knocks on the door. Mrs Obrien opens the door and sees Brenton standing holding a basket-

“Mom sent me to give you some brownies,”  said Brenton handing Mrs Obrien the brownies.

“Brenton, what a surprise,” said Mr. Obrien, “I was just taking out another board game.”

“Another game?” asked Brenton who followed Mr. Obrien to his closet.

Mr. Obrien reached up, grabbed the game and pulled it down.  “I call it the Revelation of 2012.  It is another Judgment of the world game.”

“Another  judgment of the world game?” asked Brenton.

“Yes,”said Mr. Obrien who showed Brenton the game. “This one is the old one.  I think someone else invented it before me only I am perfecting it.  Sit down.”

Mrs Obrien set the coffee table with  some brownies.  “I will get you both some milk.”

“It is a jigsaw puzzle,” said Brenton

“Yes it is,” affirmed Mr.Brenton “Only this one is not so easy.”

“Oh?” asked Brenton “How does it work?

In this game as the world’s most dangerous people get judged, instead of repenting and fixing the problem,  the heretics and the atheist conspiracy setup  hip hop concerts and professional sports and are only concerned with getting rich and world domination.   These cards are the muse cards.  I just had them printed.

Brenton picks up a yellow card out of curiosity and reads it out loud,

“There is no judgment of God.  There is only coronavirus. Corornvirus is your God.  You have to sit in quarantine.  You lose a turn.

“That means you lose your turn in trying to assemble the puzzle “Pick up a red card,”  suggested Mr. Obrien.

Brenton picks up a red  card and reads it. “Repent!” says the prophet.”

“Now pick up a response card.” said Mr, Obrien.

“You are invited to”Heroes of the Great War,”  a virtual party online featuring Sabaton.

“Now pick up a consequences card.” suggested Mr, Obrien

“Brenton picks up a consequence  card and reads it.”

“The actions of organized crime, political leaders and military personal are getting lots of people judged.  Disassemble the 10 previous pieces from your section.”

“Wow! says Brenton

“Now pick up another prophet’s card,” said Mr. Obrien so you can understand the rhythm of the game.

“Every conspiracy must stop!” says the prophet

“Now pick up another response card” said Mr, Obrien calmly.

“Corornvirus continues, all medical conspiracies and political conspiracies continue, Monkeypox has been declared a global emergency.  Climate change conspiracies have virtual dinosaurs speaking at the United Nations and  entertaining the people with hip hop shows”

“Wow! says Brenton “It will take us forever to put this puzzle together.

“Only till after everyone is judged or repented,” assured Mr. Obrien. “after that the game gets easier and becomes almost like a regular Jigsaw puzzle.”

The two men settled in.  While they ate brownies and milk, Mr.  Obrien showed Brenton the rest of the game and the mechanics. The game used scripture about the judgment of God from all the world’s great religious traditions.  Soon the afternoon had come and an orange sun was beginning to set.   On television nothing but dystopic television and virtual political leaders were playing.


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith.

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services.

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum

Chapter 24 The Diary of Mr. Trenton MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

The Diary of Mr. Trenton

Chapter 24

The next day while Margarett was shopping downtown she noticed many people wearing surgical masks.  She figured they might be doctors because the hospital was nearby.   She then noticed taxi drivers wearing masks..  Margaret never read or listen[ed] to the news since 2017.  That was when she first started following the news and information emergency.   The news and information emergency said that all news is in state of emergency.  Then she noticed a little child in her stroller wearing a mask and also a dog. There sure is some funny business going on around here she said to herself.

She went to ask a man passing by what was happening and he pushed her away.  She asked another man.

“A pandemic has started,” responded the man “It is all over the news, Don’t you read the news?”

“No said,” Margaret who looked across the street to the hospital.    She crossed the street to ask what was going and it was closed for quarantine.  Yet right next door was a smelly butcher shop fully open and doing business.

She began to read signs of local ordinances about the wearing of surgical masks.  You could not  do anything without one.  She refused to buy one until she was not allowed to shop for groceries.  Everyone except her was in panic.  This is because they read the news.

Margaret still did not read the news and so to buy groceries she was not going to suffocate herself.   Knowing how dangerous and highly restrictive passive respirators are, she purchased an oxygen mask kit  which looked like an airline oxygen mask.  It came with a harness and a small refillable oxygen tank which lasted 3 hours if used steady.  The setup delivered her fresh oxygenated air, did not restrict her breathing and was not heavy.

When she went out everyone looked at her like she was crazy.   While waiting to pay for her groceries one man tried to talk to her about the pandemic and she responded.

“I only wear this because of those stupid ordinances.  I also don’t want to restrict my breathing.  My little oxygen mask kit helps me to think and feel better and gives me more energy.  I got the idea from the World Health Organization Info, the emergency service. Don’t you keep up?  There is a news and information emergency in effect.”

“This is not a joke!”said the man “There is a real pandemic going on”.

“No, there is not,” said  Margarette taking off her mask.”

“It is all over the news,” said the cashier

“I can’t afford to trust Lugenpresse,” said Margarette “I have a family to raise.”

The Mr. Hatt and sons Law Firm

“Dad we want youth come home,” said the youngest son.

“No” said Mr. Hatt

“There is a pandemic” said his oldest son.

“No there is not,” said Mr.  Hatt

“Here is a mask,” said one of his sons.

“Iill use it for a  napkin” said Mr.  Hat  and his sons left.

Mr Hatt then began analyzing the propaganda in the neighborhood.

Inside the cafe

In the coffee shop the manager is coughing and suffocating.  He is forced to  wear a mask and his was a highly restrictive mask. The manager was ordered to put corornvirus propaganda all over the restaurant by the owners. He worked frantically and soon began to feel sick and dizzy. He did not know what was happening.  Soon he became overwhelmed breathing his own exhale.  The manager stumbled outside and collapsed of a heart attack.  Mr. Hatt who was standing nearby hunched down promptly  and took off the managers mask off.  He examined the mask and noticed it was one which pinched the nose.  He began CPR.

The cafe’s assistant manager rushed outside and looked on the scene  “I’ll call an ambulance.”

Then Jeniffer came out.

“What happened?” asked Jennifer to her father.

“An attack on our nation has begun,”  said Mr. Hat who was a veteran of  World War II.   “Your brothers are part of it.  I never raised them to be nazis.  I don’t know what happened.”


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith.

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services.

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum

Bulletin: Welcome to EL: MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

Welcome to  EL

In English, Literacy means the science of teaching people how to read.  Though many people know how to read, some have trouble learning which is a separate problem.   The mechanics of writing are important to the learning process, especially when writing for the purposes of communicating and teaching an international audience who want to learn about  the Judgement of God.  And so it is important to write basic easy to interpret sentences.

Writing about the judgment of God should consider many things, especially how normal our days are.   However, every time we confront people and things which remind us of terror .e.g. the coronavirus we realize that these certainly are not always normal days. But rarely do we meet or see the people responsible for this medical terror and catastrophe.   In writing about it, we write the coronavirus is wrong and a conspiracy and try no to indulge coronavirus fanatics to much.

We feel that in writing about the judgment of God people must not be panicked or else the writer becomes part of the monster which we call mass media.  And so the world crown has developed a system of websites, including this one which approach the judgment of God, using different forms of writing  fiction and non fiction.  A new website has opened.  For you who Are familiar with Milliaribus A.D. , you may also like Milliaribus B.C.  which just got started.  We welcome you to sample Gondwanaland by JC Angelcraft a work of fiction where dinosaurs never existed, no meteor catastrophes occur and the most challenging prospect, is still the human condition.

Mass media, political news and general information are still in state of emergency.  When that emergency is over we will be sure to publish it here first and then on our network and announce it on wireless, television and radio.


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith.

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services.

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum

Chapter 23 The Diary of Mr. Trenton MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

The Diary of Mr. Trenton

Chapter 23

As Brenton and Mr Brian continued playing a cool autumn breeze entered the house.  In the city, a woman named, a scouting club supervisor and her best friend walked down Forbes avenue where all the attorney’s offices were located.  They chose one side of the street and went building by building reading the signs

“No cost consultation, Rankin and Redford works confidentially  with people to develop their new product ideas.”

Another one read.

“Free Invention Information.  We help turn your ideas Into products. You can trust us.  No cost to evaluate your idea”.

Another one read

“Bring your idea to Turner & Michaels.  We will protect your idea.”

Another one read

“At Foster & Lewis we are  100% Confidential. We will show you a better way to invent”

Another one read.

“Trust Raisin & Leeks   Patent Registration Service .”

“Heres one,” said Margaret’s best friend who stood before a large sign,

The Mr. Hatt and sons Law Firm

….our experienced attorneys have been helping inventors with  their ideas since 1974. We can help you secure patents, trademarks and more. Your intellectual and physical property are safe with us. Free consultations. We specialize in educational businesses,  software patents, practical appliances and inventions.  We have companies, marketing experts and engineers ready to develop and market your idea.  We work with the United States patent office. Flat fees & free consultations. If it has not already been invented, this your day.  Our operators are standing by 24 hours to receive your call. .

The sign on the door read closed.  Outside men in hardhats looked at the building.

“It might be me,  but this entire block  feels like a conspiracy,” said Margaret’s friend.

After they finished talking they parted ways. Margaret’s friend boarded the bus and she continued.  At the corner was a coffee shop. Margaret decided she would stop in and have a cup of coffee. As she entered she noticed an old man sitting down on the sidewalk.

Inside the cafe

In the coffee shop the Manager is taking down the Thanksgiving decorations.  Margaret sits down at a small round cherrywood table carefully placed between two large oak book shelves which were beautifully carved.  The lone chair faces out towards the window and looks onto the street.  The light of the setting sun, which is slightly above the horizon, blesses the table with rays of light. Outside the man sitting on the side walk has stood up and looks inside the window and nocks and steams up the glass.”

“Oh my,” said Margaret sitting down.

“I’ll take care of this,” said the waitress

“Here give him this,” said the woman handing the waitress 5.00 dollars to give to the man.

“I can’t,” said the waitress

“I insist,” said  Margaret.

The waitress looks nervously behind her to see if her manager was watching.  O.K. said the waitress, thank you.  I will give it to him and will be right back. The man fogs up the glass some more, but is distracted by the waitress.  He looks at the money, scratches his head and the two walk where Margaret could not see them.

“Excuse me,” said a woman interrupting  Margaret at her table, but I just saw you walk in.

“Do I know you?” asked Margaret.

“My name is  Betty Clark.  I work at the law office on the next street.  You are the woman who came in with the cub scouts the other day, Margaret Hansen, if I remember.”

“Yes, that’s right.” Responded the Margaret.  “No one from your office has called us.”

“Mr. Birch doesn’t work there any more.  Alfred Thresher has taken it over.

Didn’t Alfred follow up ? asked the secretary.”

“No he did not,” answered Margaret.

“Come to think of it,  Mr. Thresher has not been in his office all week. I think one of the Partners said  he went on vacation.”

The sun had set behind the hospital and the lights on the street turned on.

“Would you like another chair?” asked the waitress who returned.

“I’m only staying for a minute,”said Betty.

The waitress left.

“I am thinking about going to Mr. Hatt’s Law Firm,”

“That is Mr. Hatt outside.”  said Betty

“No,” said Margaret.

“Yes,” confirmed Betty, ” It looks like he has lost everything. ”

Betty pulls up a chair. “There is some real funny business going in the lawyers community  and I can’t put my finger it.”

Betty sits down.

“How is your project going?”

“We were told by several people the idea has already been invented.  When we couldn’t find it locally or by mail order we began to develop it.” said Margaret

“You still have to protect it,” said Betty “What is it?”

 Margaret pauses and looks at Betty for a second.

 “Oh, I guess I can tell you. The kids are making a basic hand-held communicator and transceiver (HT) with a “rubber duck” antenna. HAM radio. So we can communicate with them when they are camping.”

“What a good idea,” said Betty.   “I have to go.   I’ll talk to  Mr.  Thresher and have him get in touch with you.”

“O.K. said the Den Mother.”

Betty left her card, “Don’t forget about us,” said Betty and she started to leave..

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” said the waitress, I’ll take your order now,”

All of a sudden a knock comes on the window.  It is the old man again

“Cheesecake!” He yelled.

“I’ll handle this,” said the waitress.

She watches the waitress give the man outside cheesecake. Margaret finishes her coffee and the small demonstration pastry sitting on the table when she arrived .   She gets up and returns a book to the shelf.  Then she walks to the cash register where the waitress is standing.

“That will be 75 cents, ” said the waitress

“Oh?” responded Margaret.  “That is not enough, I had a pastry, remember?

It is actually 5.75, but I subtracted 5 dollars that you gave to that man,” said the Waitress

“I don’t understand,” said the Margaret “Who is that man?”

“He is my father. He used to be an attorney.”

“I thought he was homeless,” said the Margaret .

“Everyone thinks he is homeless,” said the waitress.  “He is not allowed inside. He and my manager got into a fight.”

“O.k., ”  said Margaret.  “Here is a five dollars for you, a little extra money for the good service, being so nice and doing what I said.”

“Thank you,” said the waitress.

Margaret notices the waitress name on her uniform.  It read Jennifer Hatt.

“Your last name looks familiar?”  asked Margarette.

“My brothers own the law firm down the street.  My father used work there.  I am still in school.”

Margaret felt uneasy.   She smiled at the waitress.  “Good luck in school. What are you studying?”

“I want to be a social worker,”said Jennifer “My father says that  is where the future is.”


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith.

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services.

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum

Chapter 22 The Diary of Mr. Trenton MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

The Diary of Mr. Trenton

Chapter 22

The weekend had arrived. It was Saturday morning and Brenton accepted Mr.  Obrien’s invitation to play the Game of Games. As Mrs Obrien baked some brownies the two men sat at the board.   Brenton spun the wheel which landed on a red/blue “choice”  combination.  Brenton first picked up red card which read:  “Surprise! The world is not being judged, but  Joni Springfield is in concert and you get 10 free tickets for you and your friends to see her hologram performing live on stage. Pick another red card.” 

“Before you do that you have to read the what the blue card says,” said Mr. Obrien.  

Brenton picks up a blue card that reads,  “go to church and learn about God.”

“You have to make a choice,” said Mr.  Obrien 

“I choose to go to the hologram concert,”   said Brenton 

“Take another red card then”. 

“You meet a girl and  get married in Vegas.  The marriage costs you 30,000 dollars!  Your four best friends got so drunk the night before  that they failed to show up.  They destroyed a penthouse hotel suite in the process  costing you another 10,000.00 Dollars. Pay  your expenses and take 4 red players from the board and take another red card.” 

 Brenton picks up another red cad.  

“The president signed a bill today that wants to introduce state sponsored atheism.  But  because he is not real this costs your red team 25 men. Remove 25 red blocks from the board “

“25 men!” exclaims Brenton “Why that’s 5 buildings!”

“Thats how the game goes.” reminded  Mr Obrien

Brenton removes 25 reds off the board. 

“Its your turn,” said Brenton

 Obrien spins the wheel and it stops on blue. He picks up a blue card.  

“A letter from terrorists arrives at your home. The white supremacists leaders accuse you of being an insurgent and a leader of the ethnic tribes which comes with a penally of death.  But the God judges the terrorists.  Remove 25 red players from the board and spin again or if the there are no more red  players, you have won the game.        


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith. 

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services.

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum



Chapter 21 The Diary of Mr. Trenton MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

The Diary of Mr. Trenton

Chapter 21

When Brenton returned home he opened a book and began to read when all of a sudden his mother walked in. 

“How did it go at the law firm?”   

“Mr. Burch is gone, poof, out of order,  no longer in service.” answered Brenton

“Oh I am sorry to hear that,” said the mother.  

“I went into dad’s office.  They still have a picture of him there.”  answered Brenton

“Who is in his office?” 

“They gave it Alfred,” answered Brenton.     

“I guess they want to make Alfred a partner.  Whats that your reading?” 

“The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire” answered Brenton   

“Remember what your Dad said, no reading any other copy other than the volumes he purchased for our library. ”  

“But those volumes feel so atheist and from such a work I expect to read more about God.”

“Let me see what you have there,” asked the mother and she picked up the book and read  the opening.   “A Treatise on the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” by  JC Angelcraft.   Never heard of him. ”    

“Let me read it to you” said Brenton 

“Introduction to a Treatise on the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”

by  JC Angelcraft

“My exposure to mediums and training as a docent by itself makes it easy to approach the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire and tell readers that such a history citing the writings of characters from before and after the Christ, would require before the world crown much more proof than just a bibliography of the oldest printed volumes.  Such an effort that is a  partial history would be based on the hand recorded historical records of monks and priests of the Orthodox and Catholic Church.  For what it pretends to be all its claims would be an important part of the recorded prehistory and history of the Roman catholic church, the most civilized institution, dedicated to the preservation of history by volumes of hand written and printed books.  

The work that claims to be the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire would have to have as its basis records from the church carefully copied over thousands of years; especially if we are to take serious these few volumes of recorded history more serious than just another conspiracy writing and effort by mankind to create a labyrinth of lofty words and thus lose the purpose of book which is supposed to tell the story of God’s continuing relationship with humans in the region before and after the death of Christ for the empire that was Rome.  

And so I embark on this journey to find my God within its pages and as I progress I shall share my God with the reader as I perceive the Holy Spirit inside its pages.  What is such a writing if not another testament in need of greater  understanding.  JC  Angelcraft

Treatise on the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”

Chapter I: The Extent Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antonines—Part I.

Introduction. The Extent And Military Force Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antonines.

In the second century of our Lord in the Christian Æra, the empire of Rome covered that small part of the earth which destiny had sought to record. It was a time when civilized and uncivilized people live inside and outside Rome’s boundaries.

The outer lands were filled with civilized and also warlike Barbarians not much different from Rome’s war minded expansionists. In addition, Rome was also known for its bloody massacres of citizens.

Rome’s best rulers are not cited as they should be, or are made into bloody ambitious violent men and women by writers of the modern Era. It is reasonable to conclude that Rome like other great civilizations running concurrent with it in every part of the planet had its grace and was a most civilized accomplishment when we subtract the ruthless tyranny that came to exist in its halls.   

The frontiers of that extensive monarchy were guarded by the legions of the Roman army known for their discipline.   Hardly can we call ancient renown men who would follow orders to slaughter unarmed people by the hundred of thousands, even citizens of Rome. 

It is written that the gentle but powerful influence of laws and manners had gradually cemented the union of the conquered territories.  However no matter how eloquent the gentle laws, they did little to keep the leaders of the Roman Empire from a debauchery and form of murder that is indescribable.

If there is any order, it is the Spirit of Peace which covers our world. We know now the Spirit of Peace and of  wisdom is what unites us and when we feel its grip lesson, we are charged to continue that peace and live up to the so called constitutions which we deem so noble.  It would not be the case for Rome whose rulers and leaders enjoyed and abused the advantages of wealth and luxury while working to corrupt the average man, much like today.  

Writers write of the affluence of the Roman family during days when people lived and died without their hands ever touching one gold coin.   The average Roman family would be considered a lower class family in terms of today’s economy.  Roman economy at this time was not even close to the middle class living that today many people enjoy.  Even people living on US standard disability, social security and welfare fair much better than the average Roman family who by God’s grace survived and depended on wheat raised from the earth by the Holy Spirit to feed them.  The God of Heaven raised wheat for both the Roman Empire and every great civilization in existence around the world.  For the rich and for the poor does God raise food from the earth. Even during the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, food grew wild and in abundance on the earth as well as  in sea.  Though men absorb themselves in tyranny, God finds a way to get food to the poor.     

In ancient Rome the image of a free constitution was preserved with decent reverence. With slaves, limited rights and indentured servants the Roman senate appeared to possess the sovereign authority, and devolved on the emperors all the executive powers of government.  Nothing is written about the fact that men and people derive their authority and power from God which is not to be used to massacre men and women.  

During a happy period of more than eighty years, the public administration was conducted by the virtue of a forgotten noble leader or the abilities of a still rugged government of which it could be argued  that it truly cared little for anything but its army and expanding its power.    

It is the design of this, and of the two succeeding chapters, to describe the condition of the empire; and to deduce the most important circumstances of its decline and fall; a series of judgements by God which are still remembered by the nations of the earth which surrounded Rome and who were witness to its fall. “

Brenton heard a snore and stopped reading and looked up.  His mother had fallen asleep on his bed.   She opened her eyes.  “Are you finished?”

“JC is writing this so it can be interpreted in every language.”  said Brenton

“Thats nice,” said the mother. “Remember you have homework you need to finish.”     


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith. 

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services. 

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum


Chapter 20 The Diary of Mr. Trenton MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

The Diary of Mr. Trenton

Chapter 20

It was a lazy afternoon for Brenton who spent it reading and working inside his room.  He then put his work away and went into the garage  to look over his bicycle.  The tires needed air.  He looked through the shelves and a found his pump inside his father’s red Craftsman toolbox.  After filling his tires with air, he pulled out some WD-40 and lubricated the axel and chain on his bike and checked the brakes.  He then put his papers in his backpack and headed to the law offices where his father once worked.  He parked and locked his bike and entered  into the offices.

Hello, what a surprise” said the receptionist as Brenton walked in.  “What brings you to our offices young man?”

“I am on a mission,” said Brenton

“Well look at who we have here,” said Alfred Thresher walking in to hand some papers to the receptionist.

Brenton felt a little uncomfortable

“Why the last time I saw you my daughter was here, don’t you remember me?” asked Alfred

“Not really,” said Brenton  “Wheres Mr. Burch”.

“Mr. Burch is no longer working with us Brenton,” said another legal secretary walking in.

“But he was a senior partner!,” exclaimed Brenton surprised

“What can I do for the son our greatest lawyer?”  said Alfred

“I have these ideas,” responded Brenton

“And you want to use our patent computer right?” asked Alfred grabbing Brenton by the Arms

“I need a witness,” said Brenton

“I am afraid I don’t understand?” said Alfred

“Have you heard of the latest search engine which is going public on the New York Stock exchange?”  asked  Brenton

“Ah yes, “Rphoff” RPS. Why I was just using RPS just now.” said Alfred

“I want to run some ideas in it.  Will you work with me?” asked Brenton

“Are you sure you don’t want to use our computer?” asked Alfred

“No, I want to use RPS” said Brenton

“I guess, I can spare a few minutes. Donna hold my calls.”

The two men enter into the office together. Alfred pulls up another chair.  Brenton looks around.  “This used to be my Father’s office.”

“I have his picture still sitting right over there on the mantle” said Alfred

Brenton went over and pulled the picture from its place and put it to his heart, then put it back.

“I have all RPS company information right here” said Alfred “I can even help you to buy some stock”.

“I read it” said Brenton “It says nothing about the information crisis we have been in these last   10 years.”

“I don’t know what you mean?” Said Alfred

“We are in tribulation.  Don’t you believe in God?” Asked Brenton

“My wife believes in God for me” said Alfred “I am an atheist.  Now if you have nothing more I have work to do.”

“No wait. Enter this list into their search engine” said Brenton

“Belief in God Comic Books,”  looks like it has already been invented by some atheist guy from some communist country.” remarked Alfred.  There is even a song and a rock band by the same name. Next one.”

“Hey Kids Comics,” said Brenton

The lawyer entered in the information.

“That has been invented too” said Alfred who begins to sweat. “Are you sure you don’t want to use our computer?”

“No” said Brenton “Last one.  “Ripoff Comix”

 “Thats been invented too,” said Alfred.

Brenton looks at the lawyer.

“Don’t you have anything to tell me? Any advice?  Any wisdom?”

Alfred pauses and thinks for a moment. He then pulls out the Obrien file. “I have inherited these files.  I understand that you know Mr. Obrien.”

“Yes, I cut his lawn” said Brenton

“I have lots of missing information.  Maybe you could get it for me.,” asked Alfred

“Let me see,” said Brenton reading the first. ‘The Game of Games by Mr. Obrien.’ He told me that the office said this game was already invented”.

The lawyer puts his hands on his head grabbing his hair when his secretary came in.

“Your 6:00 appointment is here.”

Alfred wipes the sweat off his face as the secretary politely escorts Brenton  out from the office.

“We weren’t finished” said Brenton

“Maybe later,” responded the  Legal the Secretary


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith.

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services.

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum

Chapter 19 The Diary of Mr. Trenton MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy: Le Bureau de Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st nome de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France.

The Diary of Mr. Trenton

Chapter 19

It was a bright sunny day and Brenton’s room seemed mysteriously quiet.  Usually around this time during the summer, Brenton is outside doing something in the sunshine and the yard.   His mother heard some noises and noticed the door to Brenton’s room was slightly open.  She decided to peep into his room.

“What are you doing ?” asked Mrs.  Trenton.  

“I am writing into my diary,” answered Brenton   

“Can I see?”  

Brenton hesitated for a second and was pensive.  He then looked up to this mother, smiled and gave her the book.  She began to read..     

“As I read the letters of Annette whats her name, I am profoundly touched.  I have never even heard of her and yet her writing seems strangely familiar as if she were a victorian age English poet.  My heart is called out by her words which bathed me in light and holiness.  In the drama of my life I have worked like a stage hand not wanting to be the center of attention.  And so I prefer to read between acts, as opposed to perform in the show that is my life.  

Everything I read these days always ends in disappointment.   I have this bad habit of reading on the internet where I am taken on long and melodic romantic journeys by material which reads like award winning poetry and writing but by people  that not even my teachers have heard of.    Then it ends with, she was a democrat.  Westerners don’t write like that! Communists and socialist do those kinds of things..   Worse yet, they get you hooked on poetry and work written by other well known writers from history and then send you crashing by saying the writer  was a communists or  a socialist; as if I am supposed to be impressed by that.  

How many writers or ordinary commercial media must I go through without a one liner by some blogger commenting that finishes everything with “this is communism” or “this is socialism.”   Why don’t the users and usurpers of other people’s writing just say they are communists to begin with and save me the time?  Why do they have sneak up on me? I am no less interested in communists than I am in the nazis no matter how good the writing is. 

I am so fortunate to have been raised in a country where the government is not as overwhelming as communists and socialists countries are. Communism and Socialism have been opposed by many people. “They are tyrants,” elder Tom Brown from our church says.    “tyrannical usurpers of freedom.”   The communists might not think so, but we  can  tell the difference in America. 

What it is that  bothers me is not so much the deceptions of communists and socialists, but the reality of their collective histories.  At the end of every one of their rainbows is the promise of a hardline dictatorship, aggression, ethnic cleansing, reprisals, wars, civil wars and a world of never ending diseases where the government is both the terrorists and the cure.  Their new style and romanticism to attract Americans and people who live in freedom tells the reader nothing about the bloody history and of communism and socialism.   It seems that now at the end of every good reading I find their propaganda, determined every time to break my heart.  Nothing so beautiful and holy can be written by communists.”     

Brenton’s mother turns down the page and looks thoughtfully at her son.  “I know how you feel. Why did you write Annettes last name as whats her name?” 

“Because she is not real to begin with,”  responded Brenton giving his mother a print out of several poems.    

“I know how you feel,” assured his Mother.  “This looks like it is part of the  rose and lace conspiracy.  I read about in the church newsletter.”

“I did not know there was such a thing,” said Brenton  

“Oh yes,” assured Brenton’s mother.  “It is just as you described.  They get you hooked on the good writings that other people wrote and ascribe them to a real or fictitious character from their so called glorious communists and socialists histories.”

“Sounds like INGSOC.” Said Brenton 

“Yes,” said returned Brenton’s mother.  “But do not forget that alternate histories and  British Socialism are very much a part of Communism as well.  You see them also infecting democracy. Why don’t you read your homework assignment?.    

“I just did on the internet.  It is nothing like the pages of the book I just bought and another attempt to steal the work of another author and say “a communist wrote this.”  Don’t these people know we are in a tribulation of God?  

“Communists don’t believe in God” said Brenton’s mother.  “The worse part about communism is the spread of atheism and the repression of faith in God.


Are you frustrated?  Is Mr. Trenton’s Diary insufficient for your needs to learn about the judgment of God.? If so we recommend you try the MMXII workshop at Origins and Development of Faith.

Looking for something else to read?    LOC National Archives Literacy: Catalog 11 million books and texts.   No donations are needed.

Do not forget that your school or public library still remains the best source for good old fashion books that can be read or checked out at no charge with a library card.  Also the current coronavirus situation is different in many countries. Make sure to check your area for restrictions and shut downs of public buildings and services.

MMXII EL Emergency Literacy Ministère de l’Éducation JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum

everything with conscience, everything with purpose, everything with care